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Crafted by 4Property.

Privacy Policy

Hydeproperty encompasses a range of property services including sales, lettings, property management, valuations and property consultancy.
During our work, we gather information in the normal course of our business which we are required by law to retain in accordance with statutory regulations. You should please read this policy carefully to ensure your queries regarding GDPR are met.

We place great emphasis on privacy & confidentiality and this statement covers all means of data collection such as internet, phone, email or that which may be collected in person or via any other means.

Both the data controller and the data protection offer can be contacted at:

Data Protection,
117 North Main Street,
Co. Cork.

What information do we collect?

We collect various types of data in the course of our duties which includes names, addresses, contact details, property and financial details.
These may be collected simply when you contact us or hire us to provide a property service.
Details may be collected in person, over the phone, via electronic means such as email, text or app or via hardcopy format whilst our website may use cookies to improve customer experience.

How do we use personal information?

We use information you may have provided to provide a service which you may have hired us for or for example to complete a property service which someone else may have hired us for.
We use your data in line with the intent for which it was gathered. We never sell data to third parties.

Data collected for example can be used for

Accounts administration
Mandatory record keeping (PRSA)
Buying Property
Selling property
Letting property (Landlord)
Letting property(Tenant)
Managing property
Registering a letting (PRTB)
Issuing tax / Revenue returns
Providing maintenance
Completing valuations
Property notifications
Any and all other processes which may apply in the course of our day to day business

What legal basis do we have for processing your personal data?

We are required by law to retain records for a specified number of years to comply with regulations. We are also required by law to submit data to various government agencies which can be done via phone, hardcopy and electronic format.

Data may also be submitted by various means to third parties such as utility companies or contractors to provide a property service.

Statutory agencies may request your data if appropriate to complete audits whilst we ourselves utilise data in the compilation of valuations for both sales and lettings, completing a property service or in the course of our day to day business as estate agents.

When do we share personal data?

In the normal course of our duties it may be necessary to provide third parties with your details.
These third parties encompass a range of property, regulatory and government entities.
This may include for example various trades such as plumbing and electrical firms, painters, plasters, roofers and tilers.
Regulatory bodies such as the RTB, PRSA, local or county councils and government departments such as the Department of the Environment, Revenue or Social Services.
Utility providers such as electric and gas companies could also be given your details.

Should you request it, we may also send you details on types of property you may have expressed an interest in.

Data can be submitted to third parties in a variety of formats including via person, phone, hardcopy and electronic means such as email, text or app whose providers often have their own data processes and standards. Where you do not want data transmitted in such a manner, we should be contacted in writing immediately so we may update our records.

Where do we store and process personal data?

Data is stored on harddrives, phones and hardcopy files.

How do we secure personal data?

We endeavour to secure the privacy of your data.

Where possible, files are encrypted when sent electronically and passwords used to secure information.

Only information which is relevant to the provision of a service is disclosed to a third party.

We review our data procedures regularly and update them accordingly.

Use of cookies and other technologies

Our website uses cookies to monitor usage. Please feel free to delete or block these cookies if you prefer.

Links to other websites / third party content

Where we provide links on our website or email to other websites, this is not an endorsement of their views, products or services nor do we accept responsibility for the content or information contained therein. Users should always satisfy themselves by using anti-virus software prior to using any such links and certify any such information provided is of an acceptable nature to them prior to utilising any given information or service.

How long do we keep your personal data for?

We are required by law to retain certain data for a set number of years which can regularly be 6-7 years.

When we destroy data such means can include the destruction of hard drives, shredding or incineration.

Your rights in relation to personal data

Should you have any queries in relation to our privacy policy, GDPR compliance or wish to contact us to discuss GDPR in any way, please feel free to contact us at the details below.

Should you wish to access information, this request should be made in writing to the Data Controller at the following address:

Data Controller,
117 North Main Street,
Co. Cork.

You should include any information which may be relevant such as dates you may have contacted us or by which means you contacted us.

You may notify us of your wish to withdraw consent to hold data relevant to you in writing and we will endeavour to complete same subject to legal requirements.

We endeavour to respond to all requests within 30 days of receipt. We may require identity documents from you prior to releasing information or your rights may be limited if such a request exposes personal data regarding another person or if for example, a request to delete information contravenes laws and regulations.

The Data Protection Commission may also be contacted at
Data Protection Commission
21 Fitzwilliam Square South
Dublin 2
Phone +353 578 684 800

Privacy Policy